Read Our Submission on Bill C-35, the Canada Early Learning and Child Care Act

DiPo has prepared a submission for the federal government containing our recommendations for Bill C-35.

Parliament Hill located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

DiPo, in partnership with Kids Brain Health Network, submitted policy briefs to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities containing our recommendations for Bill C-35, the Canada Early Learning and Child Care Act.

The purpose of Bill C-35 is to “set out the Government of Canada’s vision for a Canada-wide, community-based early learning and child care system.” If passed, the bill would enshrine the principles of a Canada-wide early learning and child care system into federal law. You can learn more about Bill C-35 here.

The recommendations in our submission were informed by our research and aim to ensure that Bill C-35 considers the needs of children with disabilities.

In summary, our submission proposes the following five recommendations:

  • Recommendation #1: Recognize Bill C-35’s contribution to advancing disability rights as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities commitments.

  • Recommendation #2: Strengthen disability inclusion throughout Bill C-35 and ELCC Frameworks.

  • Recommendation #3: Specify funding commitments in Bill C-35, and specifically include funding targeted towards disability-inclusive initiatives.

  • Recommendation #4: Enhance monitoring, reporting and evaluation through use of specific indicators and data collection.

  • Recommendation #5: Plan for future situations of risk and emergencies.

Preparing submissions for bills in committee stage is an important way that DiPo contributes to policy change that promotes full participation for all Canadians with disabilities.

May 2023 Update: Bill C-35 has passed through the House of Commons and is currently being considered by the Senate. A number of amendments to Bill C-35 implemented during the committee stage were informed by our submission:

  • Lines 13 and 14 on page 5 were replaced with the following: “(c) support the provision, including in rural and remote communities, of early learning and child care programs and services that are inclusive of children from systematically marginalized groups, including children with disabilities, and of children from English and French linguistic minority communities…” This aligns with Recommendation 2a in our submission.

  • Clause 16 was amended by replacing lines 31 to 35 on page 7 with the following: “16 (1) At the end of the fiscal year, the Minister must prepare a report that contains (a) a summary of the information in the Minister’s possession and within the Minister’s authority to disclose relating to the federal investments made in respect of the Canada-wide early learning and child care system during the fiscal year; (b) a summary of the progress being made respecting that system, including information relating to the quality, availability, affordability, accessibility, and inclusiveness of early learning and child care programs and services and to the access to those programs and services; and (c) a summary of the advice provided by the Council under paragraph 14(a) and the work of the Council during the reporting period. This aligns with Recommendation 3a in our submission.


DiPo Team Updates: March 2023


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