DiPo at the 2022 DOHaD World Congress
Four members of the DiPo team presented their work in Vancouver at the 2022 DOHaD World Congress.
Four members of the DiPo team were invited to share their work to over 1,000 international delegates at the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) World Congress in August 2022.
Christiane Roth presented a poster explaining gaps in measuring child health and well-being at the cross-sectoral level in Alberta and outlining the methodology for developing an indicator framework for child health and well-being in Alberta.
Ash Seth presented a poster describing the mental health impacts of service disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic on young children, aged 0 to 6 years, and their families.
Genevieve Currie gave a presentation summarizing findings from the parent/caregiver cohort of our Nothing Without Us COVID-19 Study. Her presentation discussed the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on parents and caregivers of youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities across Canada.
Brittany Finlay presented a poster summarizing findings from the youth cohort of our Nothing Without Us COVID-19 Study. Her poster discussed the negative and positive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities across Canada.
Sharing our work at conferences is an important way for our team to make connections with researchers worldwide, which helps to enhance the quality and impact of our work.